Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Getting there

There's this shameful thing that I've always tried to avoid doing.
But it's like trying to avoid eating chocolate for me.

Aku tahu ini bakal susah, there's always price for every valuable thing we want.
And yang satu ini mungkin will take all my effort, but I'll do it.
I'm on my way getting there :) 

monica : "blognya udah jarang di-update ya?"
aku : "hah?" 
monica : "terakhir aku baca..yang TRIPPLE POINT.."

thanks mon.
thanks to others yang udah datang and baca blog aku.
I love this blog, and I'll always give my best in improving this :)

btw, this is the dress that I'll consider to wear on my Malua Day,
and the rest are my wanna-have items :)

long white dress for Malua :)