Sunday, October 25, 2020

2 more and we're done ✌🏼

Hello everyone.

I hope y'all are doing great and safe in this situation.

It's almost 2 more months left in 2020.

Last year, as I closed 2019 with "Close it with grace", I was hoping and praying that God take out the bitterness and pain I might feel from that year.

And although, 2020 is full of unexpected events, both in my personal and the whole world in general. Somehow God always shows His mercy and protection in areas where I thought I was being withheld.

So, as we're reaching the end of this year, I'd love to take on a project, called "Dangerous Prayers".

This is also the title of Craig's new book.

What motivates me is the fact that there's this particular prayer that disrupted my life.

And to my surprise, when a friend of mine prayed that same prayer, she also experienced some disruptions.

But, like any other projects I've done, I'll make sure I have the capability to talk on that matter, so I guess I'mma do my researches in November and hopefully wrap up this in a short video in December.

The timeline is pretty long because I'll be occupied with internship final preparation and also the internship itself.

Am I nervous?

Yeah, of course. It's a new thing.

Am I backing up?

No. I know this day will come.

And I honestly want to sail my seas, explore the world, pursue my dreams, live up my purposes.

And I hope & pray that I meet people with the same intention and same alignment, that we'll support and help one another grow. ✨

Friday, October 9, 2020

Articulate It

Hallo everyone.πŸ‘‹πŸ’–
It's been 20 days since I said I needed some time off to actually figure out what's happening in my life.
Well.. I still can't figure it out, and I might have made some reckless decisions while taking my time, but at least I have better articulation of what I'm feeling now.

There's something I felt strongly in my heart and prayed for it earlier last month.
I was pretty much confused and didn't know what to pray for, but there was this small voice telling me to "ask this, pray for this."
And as the year is approaching its end, I can see some events as the prayer being answered in ways I never thought coming. 
Tapi tetep aja, ga ada yang tahu akhirnya dan jalan ke depannya bakal gimana.

My girls and I talked about this, that sometimes we pray for something, we thought we want that something, but we're not actually ready to accept it or accept the answer from God.  πŸ™


About this internship thing, I actually have mix feelings about it,
excited and nervous at the same time.

I guess if I'm gonna take more time off, it will be on this internship matter, because altough it's only 6-9 months, I really don't wanna jump to it haphazardly without praying and considering it thoroughly.

And my family leave all the decision to me.

Well, adulthood feels a lot like that group project with only one member actually doing it and the credits are still for the group.. πŸ˜‚ ahahahahahaa.. #JustKidding

On a more serious note, adulthood is really about making the decision for yourself and by youself, and of course taking the consequences of it by yourself.

Sounds kinda lonely, tapi mau sampai kapan ngarapin ngelakuin segala-galanya sama kelompok?
Well...may be it's just me. 
Ionno. πŸ˜›

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Words πŸ‘‚πŸ‘„πŸŒ 

Hi everyone, I thought for my first post after some time off....I'd share some 'enlightening' moments I had.... whether it was said by me or to me. πŸ‘‚πŸ‘„πŸŒ 

Lala : "I don't even care if his height is half of mine. I mean, finding the one charactereristically good is hard enough, I don't need to make the possibility even smaller."

Me :  I took some silent moment and just absorb what Lala said

Mama : "Ga ada gunanya kau mikirin segala kemungkinannya, Nang. Di mana pun kau kerja, pasti bakal ada atasan yang kayak gitu. Jadi ngapain habisin waktumu memikirkan kemungkinan-kemungkinannya dan dengar kata-kata atau pendapat orang." 

Me : "Mam, aku internshipnya November. Tuhan jawabnya kayak doamu, Mam."

Mama : "Percaya sama Tuhan itu, berarti yakin apa pun yang Dia izinkan terjadi adalah yang terbaik. Termasuk pergi intershipmu ini. Pergilah. Kita ga tau apa yang Tuhan siapkan untukmu, tapi itu pasti yang terbaik."

Me : "You know, I've gone tired of building these walls so you can't contact me or hear anything about me. And still, somehow you keep showing up. So from now, whatever will be, will be. I'm not putting up walls anymore."

well... one step at a time for everything.
still not the whole walls down.
building them took a long time, and so will taking them down.