Monday, August 31, 2020

Pernah ga sih..

kamu ngerasa bahagia banget sampek kamu nangis sendiri karna nyadarin kalau kamu bahagia?

Or it's just me and my melancholic side. πŸ˜‚

But, after coming home from a friend's wedding party, as I laid myself on my bed, I was just recapping the day in my mind, and I realized how happy I was. So happy with my situation, all of it, dalam hal apa pun, baik yang aku punya atau yang aku enggak punya. I was peacefully happy, or may be the right word to describe the feeling would be I was content.

Then, memories of me lying on my bed crying, feeling hopeless, feeling like I didn't wanna go to the hospital, feeling so small came flashing back.

Cuz' I still can remember that time vividly.

But, weirdly the more vivid the flashbacks in my mind, the more amazed I feel.

I feel amazed by how God turned my condition. I felt so unworthy at that time,  yet He keeps pouring His love to me, mending my heart, and restoring my life.

Bener sih kata orang, bakal beda banget kalau kamu ngalamin sendiri dibanding kamu cuman dengar cerita orang, testimony orang.

Bener kata-kata : "Taste and see that The Lord is good."

He really is.

And I always hope and pray that you also feel and acknowledge His love in your life. 

Friday, August 28, 2020

When you know, you know

This saying "when you know, you know" selama ini selalu aku denger dalam pembicaraan tentang 'how you know if he/she is the one?', tentang jodoh.

Trus pasti banyak yang menjawab pertanyaan itu dengan "when you know, you know."

Well, aku sampai di beberapa kejadian, saat 'when you know, you know' yang aku alami bukan ke sesuatu/seseorang yang 'aku yakin ditakdirkan untuk aku'.

Tapi, lebih kepada I know in my heart that this one thing is not meant for me.

How do you know?

I can't's just that feeling in my heart and that certainty that 'this is not it'.

Dalam banyak hal, sebenarnya kita udah tau, atau kita udah dikasih tau, dikasih tanda, dikasih firasat dalam hati kita, apakah orang ini, pertemanan ini, tindakan ini baik/benar untuk kita.

And last time I ignored that small voice in my heart, it really cost me a lot.
I lost myself when I ignored that voice.

And although it is hard to take, tapi aku bakal bilang ke diri aku, 

"Dengan dengerin kata hati sendiri dari awal, kau sebenernya lagi nyelamatin banyak hati, Dys.
Ga perlu bikin orang berharap terlalu banyak, ngabisin waktu terlalu banyak, mengeluarkan tenaga dan sumber daya terlalu banyak, saat kau tahu dari awal bahwa  'no' is the answer."

Dan satu lagi, 'when you know, you know' ini juga ngebantu aku untuk gak 'terikat' sama pertemanan tertentu. Like sebenernya dari awal kita udah bisa ngerasain apakah temen ini will vibe with us or not. Cuman kadang, kita kayak 'I think I should give this a try/another try" atau bahkan "May be I was just being overly sensitive, mungkin dia ga separah itu."

But then waktu dicoba untuk menjalinnya, somehow ngerasa 'drained' dan ga nambah apa-apa yang baik.

It's true what they say, check how you're feeling after meeting any one. 
Ask yourself do you feel refreshed or drained after meeting them.
Do you get something new, some improvements, or something that you will keep in your heart as good memory?

Well...bener sih time is really precious.

The time you spend with anyone, including the time you spend by yourself, should be used for improvement, self-nurturing, mind-fucking (in my own words ✌ πŸ‘€ πŸ‘…) tapi bahasa lebih sopan dan baiknya would be horizon-expanding.

I used to think I like deep-talks, meaningful conversations.
Now, I know, I need deep-talks and meaningful conversations to function optimumly.



Me : "Tapi aku sedih, kenapa aku baru tahu apa yang aku mau sekarang? Bukannya ini udah telat, ya?"

Cia : "Dys, masih bagus kau udah tau apa yang kau mau sekarang. Ada orang yang bahkan dia enggak tahu apa yang dia mau, bahkan dia gak tau apakah yang sama dia sekarang yang dia mau atau bukan."


Me : "Mam, apa batasannya aku nerima pemberian laki-laki ke aku?"

Mama Laura : "Hatimu yang tau itu, Nang. Apa motivasimu, apa tujuanmu."

Me : "Hmm.. soalnya aku ga mau dianggap matre atau apa gitu...."

Mama Laura : "Hatimu yang tahu itu, Nang. Tapi yang perlu kau tahu, memang udah sifat dasar laki-laki itu memberi, menyediakan, dan sifat dasar perempuan itu menerima. Jadi ya kalau dia memang mau kasih kau, ya terimalah, selama kau ga punya niatan lain di hatimu."

Been off for a few weeks due to UKMPPD dan packing my stuff, and the fact that my notebook crashed just one week before exam. Shout out to Elsa for lending me her notebook, cuz' I don't really like writing a post from phone.

I'm praying for a wonderful UKMPPD result for everyone. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Well...still considering whether I should go back home in early September (may be Sept 3rd) or should I stay here longer?? #KegalauanAkhirAkhirIni πŸ‘€πŸ˜•πŸ˜•

If you are not in a rush, please give some time to read these screenshots I received from one of my besties. ❤

in a nut-shell

Thank You for everything.
Sincerely, I thank You.
For whatever that had happened, and for whatever You've planned for me in the future.
I put my trust and my whole life in You.