Friday, September 18, 2020


taking some time off..

not sure until what time. (hopefully before this year ends I'll already be feeling much better ✨) 

got some personal things to settle with myself.

Hope I come back with self-improvements and many new stories worth sharing.

Meanwhile, take care love. ❤️

Thursday, September 10, 2020


it's weird how UKMPPD is done and Glory to God passed it πŸ˜‡, but now it seems like I have more things to do.

Not as in a compulsory for some academic thingy, but as in I owe it to myself to make sure I do it.

Some of which are (learning) personal finance, some seminars that'll be super beneficial in the future, and may be some or at least another language course, and some administrative works for all this Hippocratic Oath and graduation stuff.

So yeah...more like needing to discipline myself on my own time schedule and for my own benefits.

Ok bye everyone.

good night. πŸ’‹

Sunday, September 6, 2020

choose love, even if it's challenging ✨

Me : "Tapi aku capek, Mam."

Mama Laura : "Hal yang ga kita cintai pun bakal bikin kita capek, Nang. Jadi, kalau yang enggak kau cintai dan yang kau cintai pun bakal bikin kau capek, tentu lebih baik capek untuk hal yang kau cintai. Cinta itu bukan berarti kau ga capek waktu ngejalaninnya, tapi walau ada tantangan dan kesulitan, kau enggak akan ngelepasinnya, kau tetap lebih memilih berusaha untuk cintamu dari pada untuk yang enggak kau cintai. Doainlah."

And then I took some time to actually think and at the same time hope He gives the answer and lead me in His ways. 


Thursday, September 3, 2020

A very practical tip πŸ™πŸΌ

 Me : "Mam, gimana caranya aku tau seseorang itu jodohku?"

Mama Laura : "Kau tau seseorang itu jodohmu waktu kau berdiri di altar sama dia."

Me : "...." 😢😢😢

Selamat mencoba πŸ™πŸΌ✨✌🏼