Tuesday, June 8, 2021

While we're at it...


 Me : "Kita tinggal 2 setengah bulan lagi loh woi!" 

Riri : "Sedih..." 

Adel : "Pasti kehilangan kalinya sama kebiasaan-kebiasaan kita, karna selalu 24 jam sama-sama." 



Hi, everyone.
2021 seem to be going swiftly when my friends and I can easily recall how we started the first day of the year, with covid 19....ahahahah

Riri : "...kita yang kalau ada masalah, diam, simpan dalam hati, masuk kamar."

Me : "Hahahahah...Tapi aku ngerasa aku lebih belajar tentang 'sayang sama orang' selama aku sendiri ini, sama temen dan sahabat, terutama dari internship kita ini, dari kita yang serumah. Aku belajar sayang itu memberi, ga masalah orang yang kira beri itu membalas atau enggak. Aku ngerti sekarang kenapa mamakku bisa bangun tiap pagi buat masak makanan buat kami."

Salah satu hal yang aku pelajari dan sadari banget akhir-akhir ini adalah kasih atau rasa sayang itu sifatnya memberi, willingly and not asking anything in return.

It is true that love is patient and kind, it is not jealous or boastful or proud. It keeps no record of being wronged.

Karna dulu, dari hubungan" pacaran yang aku jalani, aku sempat berpikir konsep cinta itu kayak barter.
Aku kira aku harus kasih sesuatu dulu baru bisa diberi 'kasih'.
And that is ego and not love.

I also learn that in every relationship we have, including friendship, housemate-ship, etc, it all takes commitment, to keep on loving someone even when he/she is not so lovable at the moment, even when he/she drives us mad.

Agak aneh jujur the fact that I learn more about love, being loved, and giving love to everyone around me in my singleness.
And I guess this is the answer to what I asked for when I was still in a relationship, a time to know and improve myself more, a time to love and understand my friends and people around me more, a time to grow into an independent woman emotionally, financially, and in her overall life.

So yeah...while we're at it, still in this program, still have all my time and attention for myself and people around me (at the moment my housemates, my friends), let's make the most out of it.

Karna untuk segala sesuatu ada waktunya.
So this is what we have right now, it won't last forever, and won't last for long.


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