Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Hello every boddiiihhh!!!!!

Had an "AHA" moment yesterday, while I was doing my night shift here in Bukit Tinggi.
I was watching Jeremy Foster "Top Relationship Secrets" as a part of "Definitely, Maybe" series.

and there was this part where he goes  :

If they're NOT ON FIRE for HIM,
they CAN'T BE ON FIRE for me.

and at that very moment, SIA's fire meets gasoline starts playing in my head.
Cuz' this song has always been part of my view about how partnership is.
Two persons being the booster for each other.

Back then I had always known that there's something missing on that point of view.
It just felt like it was too much of 'it's all-about-the-two-of-us'.
But I didn't know what it was that's missing....until Jeremy said that...
And that just links everything....
The  whole synapses in my brain just started firing up the action potential. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

So yeah... this song is still one of my favourite and one point of view of how I see partnership is.

It's two people being the fire to the gasoline for each other's PURPOSE.
And that will only be as good as 
how on fire you are for The Lord, before the person comes in your life. 
Cuz' what you bring to the relationship is the reflection of what you're filling yourself with before the relationship.

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