Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Missing In Action

Hei blog..Im sorry i’ve been Missing In Action this past week :p
Sebenernya ga banyak yang aku lakuin..tapi aku terlalu sering kecapekan blakangan padahal aku ga ngapa-ngapain -_-“...
And malamnya mamak pulang, aku udah terlalu malas buat ngaktifin Telkom Flashku yang CHACHAD 

Eniwei..aku harus download Google Chrome dulu baru bisa mgeblog...and stupidnya ternyata aku udah punya programnya  -__-“ (kapan lah aku ga ngelakuin hal” stupid kek gini)
So..aku blum sempat bahas tentang ini in my older posts.
About Diana’s comment on my blog.
, I AM INCREDIBLY HAPPY about it. It’s like a dream came fav blogger came to READ my small,self-decorated blog J
Last Sunday, Dea had her “Malua”. As her bestie, I came to her house and snapped some pics J BTW, Dea dapet banyyaaakkk salam tempel (MONEY) dr tamunya J
Dea has a warm big family..liked all of them

And, on Monday..I accompanied Kak Abeth in  a  super secret mission :p
Then when mission’s accomplished,
we went shopping for my Malua shoes at Ten Toes. Nyarik-nyarik tiara buat kak abeth and ga nemu”..ampek kita kehujanan.. ;p
 Ouh..some things I (really) dont like about Ten Toes store :
 - Mereka
ga nyediain heels and wedges nya untuk ukuran lebih gede dari 37?! Seriously..itu tuh ukuran kakinya Cia?! Padahal heels and wadges mereka scores  9/10 for style from me :p ...Ouh man..plisss keluarin ukuran 39 or 40 L
-Penjaga tokonya ga terlalu ramah. Aku baru sadar waktu kak abeth bilang ini ke aku. And yeah, they arent friendly..mereka lebih kayak cewek jualan sepatu “tanpa merek” di pasar..ngegossip dengan suara yang cukup buat ngomong d depan 1 kelas..and kosah kata yang GA FORMAL L
- And they dont have any toilet in their store!! SUCKS :p
But, I still managed to find a beautiful pair of flat shoes for my malua though. It was the last one for its kind. I like the studs. And it’s simplicity just makes it even more gorgeous J
Not able to upload my Ten Toes sweetie now :(

From Ten Toes store, we went to Thamrin Plaza to find perfect shoes for Kak abeth. She bought 2 pairs. And ...
K’ Abeth : “Cantik yah dis? J
Aku :  “Iyah..cantik,nyaman juga. Jadi pengen, tapi nabung dulu lah..
K’Abeth :  “ Ya udah ambil aja. Sekalian kado malua dari kakak..”
Aku : “hah?!”
K’Abeth : “ Iyah..sekalian aja. Dari kemaren Kakak bingung juga mau kasih apa. Kau suka kan, ya udah a,bil aja. Biar
jadi kado malua dari kakak.”

So, thanks Kak Beth for the 6-day-earlier gift... I loveeee it and it’s in PINK J


And..I also did pretty well on my Malua Exam last Tuesday. Aku cuman ga bisa jawab soal no 20... Itu soal minta lirik lagu Buku Ende 149 and 150..And  I just came blank with all the lyrics -__-" 

This is Dicky having oral exams :) 

Before going to church :)

These two are the most recent pics from my Instagram :) @gladysglados

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