Friday, December 8, 2017

[ r e m i n d e r ]

               even if it is something I wanna do and I like, that doesn't mean bumps won't be there.
when the will power is shaky, discipline takes the wheel and makes sure we're still on track, going to our destination.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

[MOVIE REVIEW] NEWNESS (2017) - How love works in the Z-Generation era

I know this time I've been off for like forever. πŸ˜”πŸ˜”
and uhh... good news is that I've finished my Seminar Proposal.
I'm so grateful for that and couldn't thank God enough for all the help He sents to help me go through it in just 2 months. πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ™
And right now, I'm in the middle of doing my revision before getting the "licence" to do my reseach.
Also, next week, I'm going to have the 4.2 block examination...
hahahaha.. Like I can't believe there only 1 block left before entering clinical study or coass or clerckship.
#WishMeLuckOnThis πŸ™ŒπŸ™†πŸ™‹

So, this afternoon, I was group-studying with my girls and I managed to download some new movies...for I haven't watched anything new since all this skripsi thing.
There were Despicable Me 3, Annabelle: The Creation (although I don't think I have the gutbto watch it alone 😧😧), and also Newness.

at the beginning the movie starts with today's setting, people with dating app which actually ends up being hooking-up app. 😝😝
I know it started like super predicatable....but somehow along the movie, I can find myself in there, and to be honest, it wasn't just me.
I remember hearing the stories from my friends.

I guess it's the era or it's just the nature of human to always long for something new, something exited, something adventrous.
But, at the end of the day, we gotta give our own meaning to that, because life doesn't work that way, and LOVE doesn't work that way.

SO... I'd like to give 8/10 for the movie to discuss such real problem in this digital era, where everyone is on the search of something that's 100% like what they want.

And I recommend this movie to all the 20+ youngters and adults who needs something cheesy yet true material to watch.

some of the qoutes I get from Newness :

Paul : "Love is two people who don't give up on each other."
Martin : "You're saying its a choice."
Paul : "I feel like if you think too hard about it, You're just gonna complicate it and fu*k up.You gotta stop thinking ".

Martin : "I dont know, whatever will be will be."
Paul     :  "No man. No, see, for love to work and for happiness to work, and for you if you wanna have a family some day, you have to actually pursue it. You know, don't leave it up to fate."  

P.S. : along the movie I was like “ehmmm..this boy..he looks familiar. It's Nicholas Hoult, isn't it?
And yuph!! I got it right!!ahahahah…never forget a cute face..and those blue eyes. πŸ˜πŸ˜œπŸ’•

Oh..that too-wide smile πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

See you as soon as possible.

with love,

Gladys Olivia

Monday, July 17, 2017

Building an Empire

"... baby I'm from New York 
                              concrete jungle where dreams are made of... "

Hello everyone!
it's the 13th day of KKN already and at the very moment, I'm in Padang for monitoring and evaluation of my team's Pekan Kreatifitas Mahasiswa in Pengabdian Masyarakat ( Community Service ) field.

So... it seems like everyone of my medical friends who are having KKN have been posting their so-called-KKN-but-turn-out-to-be-vacation pictures...hahahha.. 😎😁

I,myself also felt that way.
My slogan was so right ...

" KKN is a summer camp only cheaper....and remoter " πŸ‘΄πŸ˜Ž

My jorong ( it's like village ) cosist of 7 students...and luckily I have Bang Firman, who is my 2013 senior from Medical in my jorong. #Yayness πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘―

Things have been fun. So many new things to learn, to understand.
And one of the finest thing that happened

" Bahaso minang Gladys lah lancar yo..."

It was an honour. πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰
2 and a half year in CIMSA, in which one year being Community Development Coordinator, has thaught me not only the health condition in Padang and the people.. but also the culture, and how to blend with the people... in attitude, and of course in language.

It feels so good whenever i'm put in a community with different daily language, I get to learn them too.
It was first with my junior and high which 95% of my friends were speaking Hokkien (sorry if I mistype it)

And now, in Padang with the Minang Kabau culture.

And I am praying and hoping that when I'm having internship, i go to Bataknese I get to re-learn my own culture and language...before I ughhh "in-laws" and embarrass myself if i don't even know my own culture and language...hahahahha

Thanks God for everything...for the dreams and the way towards them...
for Your ways....

Friday, April 21, 2017

When you hit the rock bottom

So, I just finished watching SING.
It's actually Cia who recommended this one to me, and I downloaded it.
And since tomorrow I got nothing big, other than my Final Semester Test for Metedologi Penelitian (which I freaking try to understand...and just don't πŸ™ˆπŸ˜€πŸ˜œ ) so yeah...

The movie is good.
It's really refreshing to watch the movie.
Especially after the "huge" news in our faculty.

1. For the first time, Andalas Medical faculty is sending the PRECLINIC students to KKN.
Usually med-school students do KKN in their clinical year in Unand.

2. Starting from our year ( batch 2014), every thing is measured, EVERY FREAKING THING.
Skills lab has its own SKS (points in GPA).
Lab works have their own exams and will be accumulated in the final points.

3. Even we have exams for FOME and now, research methodelogy. Which NONE of our seniors DID.

4. Our final paper (skripsi ) timing is delayed compared to our seniors'.
And now we had KKN comin in July, and the clinical term usually starts on february and the preparation starts from january

Basically means :
"can't really do final paper that time!" "GOODLUCK doing it within 4 months,fellas!" πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘
5. We have OSCE STRAIGHT after KNN.
" Like how am I gonna practice in my KKN time?" πŸ˜”πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜₯

6. Starting from this year also, Junior Clerkship is gonna have EXAMS.
( Like all the exams are still not enough for us πŸ˜«πŸ˜«)

So yeahh, seems like our last year of Preclinic will be the time of our life.
time when 'becoming a doctor' is questioned.
time when you think " is it worth it?" πŸ‘€

"Can I just get married? Like I don't need a medical degree to do so..πŸ‘ˆ πŸ‘…πŸ‘Ώ

and it's also the time when I go :

Bapa, kalau memang ini jalan yang harus aku lewati untuk mencapai mimpiku, kuatkanlah aku. Teguhkanlah aku Bapa. Teguhkanlah aku Ya Bapa. "

And watching SING just teaches me

" It's good to hit the rock bottom. Cuz' there's no other way than UP."

So yeah..goodnight dreamers.
Sleep tight, cuz' you're gonna need that energy to make them come true. πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Misconception People Carry Around

So, it’s almost 3 years ( to be precise, it’s 2 years and 8 months) I’ve been staying in Padang.
And these kind of questions always occur along the way, whether it’s with my neighbor, church people, or friends.
“ Do you wear hijab there?”
“ Do you have any church there?”
Those kind of questions.
So, for almost 3 years I’ve been in Padang, I’ve always been going to church.
And yeah, I did wear hijab once, in a event my Standing Committee in CIMSA held, World Diabetes Day. And it wasn’t because any one asked me to, it was because I wanna try.
Truth is, so many people with small experiences are the ones with the biggest mouth.

I make friends here. And honestly, the closets friends I have are the open minded ones.
I don’t see why religions should be big deal when your making friends, or going to study out of town, or even overseas.
Because the truth is, it’s about what you believe inside.
in your dreams, in your faith, in you.

This is how I usually dress for coollege. 
Skirt and shirt.

Either it's long sleeve or short shirt.
Either it's ankle-length or knee-length.

P.S : So Imma be doing this Misconception things…in some parts.
First one is this. The laters will be on Medan, positives and negatives from Medan and Padang.

So yeah.. till the next post.

G la dy s

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

M e e t m y f r i e n d, ACNE.

I never thought I would be posting this thing.
Because I kinda just wanted to keep it secret, 'cause I felt embarrassed of it.
But it's almost 2 years now, since I had my first acne vulgaris flare.

So, here's what happened just now.
I was eating in a warung ampera by myself, cause it's exam day and whenever it's exam, most medical students in Unand prefer staying ( and perhaps studying ) at home.
So. I was enjoying my meal, when I heard

Man : " Dek.."
Me :  #noleh ke asal suara
Man : " Anak saya dulu kayak kamu juga wajahnya. Percis. Merah juga."
Me : " Iya Pak....lagi diobati." #put a smile on it
Man : " Makan aja DEXAMETHASON sama CTM. Anak saya makan itu. 2 kali sehari. Hilang sekarang. Ga ada lagi..."

Truth be told, I didn't feel hurt nor embarrassed then, and not feeling it now neither.
Weird thing is, I am concerned of his kid.
How many DEXAMETHASON did she/he take? For how long?
Did he/she stop taking it just instantly?
How is he/she doing right now? → should've asked him this one. πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid drug. It's used for anti-inflamation, this' why the Man kid's acnes stop. It's usually prescribed for severe inflamatory, after organ transplantation, and in auto-immune disease, such as Lupus.
In Indonesia, people can get Dexamethasone in any drugstore without prescription.
You can not use it like any other drug.  It can suppress one's immunity, it can alter the ADRENAL secretion. 

And trust me, you don't wanna mess with the adrenal gland.


Acne vulgaris is a common chronic skin disease involving blockage and/or inflammation of pilosebaceous units (hair follicles and their accompanying sebaceous gland).  

And the etiologies of acne :

Intrinsic factors 


Extinsic factors

climate/ temperature / humidity

- Buku Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin 
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia

I come from a family, my mom's side, with oily-skin and acne-flare-in-young-adulthood history.
I, myself, notice that the acnes will come in the last week of my menstrual cycle.
I had acne flare last year, after applying a cream that my mom bought in he market. It didn't have any brand. It was yellow and rather shiny. 
After that, the flare just went crazy. I had it all over my face, and even it woke my up at night because of the pain felt in my face.

Truth be told, I was so embarrassed that I chose not to go out, wore a mask when I went to campus, minimized any unnecessary conversations with any one.

My Mom even went mad because I kept on whining about it.
She was like :

" Gak Pa, biar dia tau. Kalau sekarang Tuhan kasih kek gini, emang apa mau kita bilang. Emang kita mau terima yang enak aja dari Tuhan. Dikasih yang gak enak, lansung marah."

It was because I was acting so childish.
After that, I went on a dermatologist care, who is also my lecturer at campus.
It was from January 20th 2016 untill October 2016.
The medicatition did cost a lot. That was the time when Mom had to send me money 2 times my normal one semester expenses.

I stopped coming for more, when I was kept on beeing told to go on Derma Roller by the doctor.
Because that one cost like the price of a motorcycle. πŸ‘΄πŸ‘΅

After I stopped, I was using Retinoid Acid cream. I still have acnes here and there, but it was still manageable, untill last week.
Whether it was due to the 6th week (one week before exam), my menstrual cycle, or my diet, the acnes was way more than I can take.
So, I went to another doctor. And today is day 6 of the medication. Right now my face is kinda redish and dark in some spots, due to the dead skin that hasn't pilled-off yet.

Well, having acne didn't just change my monthly expenses, or make me know how treatment can be so frustating and challenging.
But in this almost 2 year process, I've learnt :

1. To see me as I AM.
The flare-up. The calm phase. Family history. 
Things that I can not change as the way it is. I am working on making it better, but if it just doesn't when all the effort is given, then accepting the way it is, is the cure, at least for the heart.

2. To guard my own heart
Whenever people ask about it, or give advices, I try to remember they mean good.
It's me who have to make sure that I'm in peace with myself, what people say shouldn't matter.

The way I see my Acne Vulgaris now, is just like an ALLERGIC RHINITIS, or FOOD ALLERGY,  or ASTHMA.
How, some people wake up in the morning with runny nose and sneezes. Or how some people can't eat shrimp if they don't wanna find itchy, reddish, swollen skin,mouth, or throat.
Those are conditions people are born with.
All we can do is making sure we stay away from what may precipitate the 'attack.
And if it comes, handle it with good care. 

I know that I'm not always optimistic about my medication. There are times, when it gets tiring and boring. But I'm gonna remind myself with this post whenever that time comes. 

G l a d o s.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

While I was ironing my laundry

I realised this

       behind every great man, there's a great woman.
         and behind every great woman, there's an incredible mother.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

20-ish S P I N

Mom : “ Sekarang aku ngerti sama apa yang kau bilang Dys. Kalau sesuatu bisa kita impikan, alam semesta akan mengarahkan segala jalannya agar itu terjadi. “

How happy and flattered I was knowing that my theory is basically acknowledged by my Mom, my role model..hahhahhaha πŸ˜†πŸ˜‡πŸ˜Ž
It feels great to not only be the one who get, but also give to others, especially our loved-ones.


Me : “ I can’t see it, Ncip.”
Ncip : “ Coba liat yang bener.”
Me : “ Am I too deep inside?”
Ncip : “ NO!!YOU’RE STILL FAR!!”
Me :
#ngeliat otoskop aku masih di ujung liang telingan Ncip 
       “HAHAHAHHAHAH!!!! Pantesan!!! Masuk aja belum,…hahahah


People usually laugh when they see my desktop. Because I put an iPhone as my background. Not just another iPhone. That is the iPhone I want for my clerk-ship. The iPhone that I want to make sure I deserve having by doing my last pre-clinic year more enthusiatically, wholeheartedly, and purposedly.

So, people can laugh as they wish.
Me? I’m thankful for that. The more people picturing me and the iPhone, the greater the massage I sent to the universe, that I want a rose-gold iPhone so bad. πŸ˜ŽπŸ’ͺπŸ’‹


At the moment, I’m looking forward to my CIMSA period to be over.#MauCepetLengser
And it will be officially over on April 8-9. Also, I’m on the 5th week now, so there’s around 11 days before block 3.4 exam. And as the numbers of my block go up, the more specific my study gets and the more effort I gotta give.

So yeah, have a nice weekend every one.
Have a great 20-ish spin of life, for everyone who’s  with me.
And hold tight on what you dream. 

If you can dream it, If you can imagine living in it, than it’s POSSIBLE.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

G o l d D i g g e r

I have always loved daydreaming.
May be that's why whenever unexpected things come, I used too be so dissapointed when it turn out to be different from the one I daydreamt.

Yuphh.. I'm that naive...but working on it now. ✋πŸ‘€πŸ‘―

Today, we are having one off day due to the public election, but my group had skill-lab at the hospital at 2 p.m.
And I had Cimsa Unand Anniversary plenary meeting before, starting at 10 a.m.

So yeah, didn't feel like holiday....hahhahaha πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‚

Any way, luckily I'm not feeling too tired today, I still got the energy to do my laundry manually ( read. by hands πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ˜€πŸ˜€) and made this post.  

I kinda made a deal with myself, that this last one
year of preclinic time, I am not using the laundry service. I am doing it myself, because I'm saving up the money,
so when I finish my medical student and get my general practitioner degree, I have enough money to buy myself my own gold.  πŸ’‹πŸ’“πŸ˜›

I know...I this is 2017 and I'm still saving for gold?!
But whatever! That's my goal. 😎😺😝
And that's the one keeping me motivated to spare my money and put it on my "princess-and-the-frog" piggy-bank. πŸ‘†

So...happy wednesday night people.

May God bless today's elected governor and his vice. πŸ™πŸ™
And happy tutorial-preparing night to all PED14TRICs out there.

And, last but not least, I'm so happy for my loved Mustika has done her seminar proposal!!

So proud of you girl!
May Ucik, There, and I catch up immediately. 


Monday, February 6, 2017

Dear Future Me

Today, 6th february 2017, I felt so occupied on CIMSA.
I couldn't had any call time with my famiy last Thursday till Saturday.
Nor could I get a good sleep.

How preparing for Training New Trainer Region 2 took all my time from right after tutorial till 10 p.m.
Then on Sunday, I had Samangaik Comdev Corner's preparation from 11 a.m to 4 p.m.
Meanwhile, I had tutorial today at 8 a.m. and the clean laundry that hasn't been ironed still laying on my bed.
And now, I'm typing on my laptop just right after I reached home from Samangaik's performance practice while waiting for chat-meeting on Skype for Community Development Coordinators of CIMSA.

In case one day you feel like helpless and tired, remember these days.
Remeber this time of the year.
When you have to walk by yourself, go by yourself, manage your feelings, manage your time, control your reactions to others, and indeed, you managed to do it all, you've passed it.
And I'm sure you can and you will pass this one too, 
no matter what it is.