It'sMarch already!
How time flies!! :p
So, uhh today I got to spent my afternoon with my girlfriend/sister/bestfriend/soulmate, Almadea. ;)
These past 2 weeks have been chhheeraaaazzzyy,super busy weeks for all Faculty of Dentistry students.
So, meeting with Dea today was like having a glass of pure water after a long run. :)
Me : "Jadi, kita udah mau tujuh tahunan lah ya De?"
Dea : "Iya juga ya..dari SMP.udah 6 setengah tahun lah.."
Me : "Langgeng ya kita. Aku udah siap ketemu keluargamu kok De!" ;)
*genggam tangan Dea*
Me : " Jadi ntar ada cake nya lah ya?"
Dea : " Ada lah kalau cake, tapi gak pake lilin kayak kau."
Me : " Hah?Kok gak pake lilin?"
Dea : " Emang semua orang suka niup lilin banyak-banyak kayak kau Dys?!" :p
#At our class
Uci : "Dys, tolong dulu ngomongnya jangan naik satu oktaf!!"
Tere : " Apa pulak satu oktaf, dua oktaf itu!"
Aku : " Emang aku kalau ngomong kek gitu ya wak?"
Tere : "Iya loh!! Sampek kalau kau sms, rasanya sms mu itu bersuara kayak kau!"
*niruin isi sms aku pake suara cempreng*
Uci : "Iya udah kayak pesan multimedia tiap nerima sms kau Dys!Bersuara gitu!"
I think what I just learnt is that I just have to let it be.
Last month, I spent too much time thinking and worrying about one thing, which actually is not that big deal.
And, at the end of the day, a good perspective is always necessary.