Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Check Your AGENDA please.. :)

Olllah all :)
it's still the Ramadhan holiday, and I'm literally rotten at home :p
I'm thinking about watching THE EXPANDABLES II, although action is'nt really my thing but anything's better than just STAYING at HOME :P

please take out your agenda and mark SEPTEMBER 8 2012 ;) 

because, it's my 17th BIRTHDAY and it's also my beloved cousin, Bang Alex and his fiancee's WEDDING DAY :D

what a big day, right?! :)

so, you can start looking out for the perfect present(s) for me... #ngarep -_-"

but, just in case you wanna give me something and have no clue what to get... 
"I'm at this moment in love with NEON colors, although PASTEL always makes everything sweeter ;) "

An edgy,neon-colored watch would be puurrrrfect ;)
ehm..anything flower-motived or patterned is a great doer :p 

"But, more than all the many-manyy things I love, the most important thing is that my familymy friends, and you (ones who read my blog STICK AROUND with me okay.Not just on my UPs but also my DOWNs  ;) "

#random pictures ;)

Sophie Sumner - America's Next Top Model Cycle 18 winner :*

playing with my sisters ;)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Some night

so..I posted Book I last night, and it turned out to be A BLAST.

No spesific reason,and not to offense anyone. 
it's a new thing for me and just like being punished by my school counselors, it's new.

But it's nice to set every thing at the right place.
Clarification is needed, when you dont feel like fine with something.

So, I apologise for I know it HAS OFFENDED some people, especially from XII SIENCE 5.

It was good to have the talk with responsible one.

#HappyWednesday  :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Book I

Two days ago was our beloved Indonesia’s independence day J
For our school is such an obedient institute in every procedure :) , we celebrate it with games and of course flag ceremony J

Tahun lalu, kelasku tercinta, 11 IPA 1, sekarang 12 IPA 1, menangin penghargaan ‘BEST SUPPORTER’. 
Ya pastilah kita jadi pemenang, dengan pasukan yang dipimpin oleh Mayor Jendral Gladys Olivia yang notabenenya punya jurus pamungkas SUARA HARIMAU SUMATERA, there was no doubt we would win it J

So...for this is our last year at school, my classmates or spesically, Putri,Nova and I tried to get our class a spotlight from all the other class suporrters J

We came out with this red-white ribbon on our head, and we painted our cheeks red-white. I brought my aqua gallon from home and Jessica brought lispicts and powder for our cheeks.

On August 16 a.k.a the first day, we were THE ONLY CLASS with ribbon, and face-painted supporters.  We were and are the only class with our own CLASS THEME SONG (PKM SC antheme) , created by ourselves and we remake IWAK PEYEK song into a XII SIENCE 1-supporting -song ;)
And..aku orang pertama yang dipakein cat merah-putih ke pipinya.. ;p

Yenny  : #narik aku “ayoklah GLADYS!!”
Aku :  “ah...malu YEN!!!"
yenny: “ayoklah..mumpung di sini bapak itu..”
aku : #muka pasrah
yenny : “PAK liat muka si Gladys pak..!!”
Pak W.Gee :  “LHO.. Inggris aja ga sampek pake ke gitu ke olimpiade..”
aku : #muka melas “Kerjaan orang itu pak..Dijadiin kelinci percobaan mukaku..” :p

Buat lomba-lomba yang diadain, kita kalah. I have to admit we werent good at those games the party made :p

Tapi aku juga harus bilang, kalau panitia LOMBA 17 Agustus Methodist-2 tahun ini, pretty much orang-orang yang ga bisa berpikir jernih.

Ini tuh 17 Agustusan, bukan “HARI TENANG NASIONAL”. Mana ada sih orang nge-support pake bisik-bisik atau bahasa tubuh...?! :0   
When you support your team, you scream, you sing, you dance. You do things that shows how MUCH you LOVE and WANT you TEAM to win..

Just saying, next time when you become the 17th August committee, tanya OM GOOGLE dulu deh gimana supporter” dari seluruh dunia, and gimana caranya ga jadi anak” buat dikit-dikit ngancam menDISKUALIVIKASI team kelas.

The Ladies of XII SIENCE I ;)

Self-Timer Picture :p

my GURLS :)

see..aku jadi kelinci percobaan -_-"

gini nih kalok banci foto ngumpul :)

most of the pictures below are taken by my sweet girl, Aniek Manurung ;)


GA NAHAN liat muka NOPHA ;)

I really wish Aniek had done something with this pic :p

Pak Urat, our real "BALAP KARUNG" fighter ;)

sangkin miskinnya, TISSUE pun BAGI DUA :P

OUH MY GOD... I literally look like a trash-collecter :p

Ouh.. one info I REALLY LIKE MY SCHOOL STICK STICK ICE CREAM.. we usually call it "BATANG" ;)

The second day and clearly the biggest celebration 17th August, kita baris and bikin heboh sekolah tiap kali dari kelas kita disebut menangin lomba-lomba yang diadain OSIS. No matter we only got the 2nd,3rd or even 4th place, we accepted it with euphoria J

Then, we took some pictures with our DADDY GEE (wali kelas kita) ;)

curi-curi foto DADDY GEE ;)

our former daddy and OUR RECENT DADDY ;)

siapa kita?! IPA 1!!!! :D

liat muka Yenny!! #kekeh :D

So..ngelanjutin sesi Final dari lomba, kelas-kelas yang masuk Final mulai keluaran.

Mereka nge-cat mukanya, pake spanduk merah-putih PERCIS kayak yang kita buat.
Well, you are said to be the best, then act as you deserve it!! Not taking other people’s idea and just use it as yours. 

So, we (my class) were surely mad. I was furious.
And then, there was a time I was desperate and doubtful wheter we would win this year BEST SUPPORTER again. 

But as some of my favourite songs were played on the speakers, I was struck.
It was FUN’s We Are Young song, and Putri, my B5, Aniek, Savi’i, Victor, Eko, Hanna, Jew, We sing.

Bahkan Eko sama aku sempat ngelakuin SLOW-MOTIN kayak videonya WE ARE YOUNG. ;)

Waktu lagunya sampek ke bagian terakhir ‘so if by the time, the bar closses and you feel like coming home, I’ll carry you home tonight , aku udah sedih ngingat we wont have this time again. This is our last year, I’m gonna miss all my crazy,noisy,loving friends :’)

Jew : “duh...jangan nangis lah..ntar aku nagis juga”
Hanna : “jangan nagislah..” #meluk Putri
Nova : “kalok 17an aja nangis,ntar FAREWELL PARTY gimana lagi..” #meluk aku

moment MEMALUKAN... crying like this is our last day seeing aech other :p

after crying, my face actually looks like a little cute puppy's face :p

2 cewek paling 'basah' di 17an .. :'(

Kita juga masih sempat nyanyi and ngedance pas lagu Fireworknya Katy Perry. We pointed at each other when the song went to the chorus part. 
Kita nge-shuffle dengan CHACHADT nya di tengah lapangan pas lagu SEXY AND I KNOW IT.
And I just kept on jumping ;) .
It was surely the most unforgettable 17th AUGUST I’ve ever had in my intire life :’)

LOOK at HANNA's face!! :D
Couldnt help JUMPING!! :D



rambut basah, baju basah, ketek basah... ntah kemana lah muka ni mau ditarok :p

True BOND :)

amoy kecapekan mainin 2 STICK DRUM.. ;)

see..this is OUR CLASS MONITOR :p hes being true about himself (dump) ;p

mai gadth!! GILE.. BOHAI BANGET YAH AKU ;)


Salah satu kebiasaan yang ga pernah hilang : "BERKACA" I can literally do this over and over again :p

left-right : Hanna-Me-Yenny-Amoy ;)

Tenang.. aku sama Jabot ga ngapa-ngapain kok.. :p

Eko and Victor MENGGATAL pegang" ASET anak orang :p

ehm..amoy mau 'nyodok' aku yah? :p

2 CEWEK terBOHAI ABAD ini ;)

OUH!!! new SCANDAL : Vicor and Olga :0

ayok smua kita GOYANG M-2!! :P

cewek SEXY memimpin ;)

ntah kenapa tiap Aniek moto aku, pasti pas ngelakukan adegan yang "sesuatu" banget -_-"

left-right : Vera-Hanna-Anas-Putry-Victor-Nopha-Jew-Yenny-Amoy-Boksu-Evelyn-Savi'i-Aniek-Me-Olga

aku : "AVA-AVAan ini!! BARIS yang BENAR!!" :0

I love you, XII Sience I, we may not  be the best-academic-class in Methodist-2, but I know for sure there’s no class as fun,as crazy, as ridiculious as ours :’)It’s been the most memorable years with all of you :* "
The Family of XII SIENCE 1 :')