Friday, April 20, 2012

Save Milk

My holiday is OFFICIALLY O-V-E-R :(

but, I'm happy that today, Dea main ke rumah..
ga da yang nandingin saat-saat GOSSIP bareng Dea ;)

some  more special things about today are that:
- aku mutusin buat MINUM SUSU (lagi) :p
yep..hampir 2 taun aku pause kebiasaan kecilku..but here I'm back MILK ;)

-I finally watched Nidji-Save Me music video
I'm so into this song!!! :) great video!!

-setelah ntah berapa lama aku ga makan SUSU KERBO, hari ni akhirnya aku nemu!!! :)

-I just downloaded Paramore-RENEGADE #cool ;)

- I like you bald-head.. :)
  And I just realised how you look a lot like a teddy bear with beard ;p

Dear God,
I have some wishes God.
I wish You will show me the best major to take at university..
I wish I'll be a good one, nomatter what I do for my living.

And God, thank you for today.
Thank you for answering my prayer, it was even far away from what I asked.

May I always be under your arms God..

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fade into Me

So many songs that have got my ears these days :)

eniwei, aku ga sabar buat pra-GR Paskah Remaja besok and GR nya hari Jumat.
well, sebenernya ga sabar liat satu kepala botak montak yang mintak dijitak itu.. ;)
Rada nervous juga sih, but gotta stay optimist :)

 "well you all have been telling about finding this perfect partner and sending your future children to the best schools and so on..but none of you have talked about morral. Is teaching religion more important than teaching morral??"

my english teacher asked this to the class this afternoon.
He always gets the point and it's nice to share thoughts with a wise,open-minded person :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Tolor Mi Goreng

I spent my Friday night and the whole Saturday with Kak Abeth and B' Alex and also B' Lian...
Kita pergi ke Balige buat jiarah....and it was back-and-forth :)
spent more than 16 hours on roads!!!
Belajar nyanyi bahasa batak "HARGADOI" means "BERHARGA"

bang alex : "SEMUA!!!"
aku-bang alex-kak abeth- bang alex : " Cintaki harga do di au..tung so ise pe i, parmeam-meam pon ni..
                                                                 Cintaki harga do di au..tung tostos hosaki, jungjungonku do i..
                                                                 Pikiri..rimang-rimangi..harga do au di au.." :)

bang lian :  "KAMPR*T lagu nangis awak dibuatnya..."
#just fyi, bang lian tu umurnya 38  tahun :D

bang lian : "apalah bedanya telur sama telor?"
k'abeth : "kalok telur dipegang bisa pecah..kalok telor dipegang merah.."
aku : #sebenernya ga ngerti..tapi " HAAAAAAHHHHAAAAA"  

selama di jalan, aku bener" kayak baby...
tidur-ngemil-tidur lagi-ngemil lagi-tidur-nyanyi-ngemil-tidur :)

i didnt bring along my camera.
so..these are the only photos I can post :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Bakal perlu seharian penuh untuk ngegambarin my deepest adoration for Diana.
but, WHY?

karna bagi aku kak Diana ga hanya the most viewed blogger in Indonesia, ga hanya someone with a dood taste of fashion...
She's honest with her writings...
It may seem simple, but if you do WRITE, you'll know that it's way harder to be honest to yourself than to others..

Aku juga belajar untuk punya "pegangan" tentang diriku, so that when I'm on the TOP of the wheel, I won't be acting like a biyatch... ;)

I love these posts of hers :)
-   Tug At The Heartstrings 

The Conversation. 

I adore you Kak Diana, for your every single thought ;)