Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Me: "Kenapa aku harus membuat seolah-olah aku harus sampai di titik tertentu dulu baru aku bisa menikmati hidupku?
Kenapa aku merasa baru bisa nulis blog atau bikin podcast lagi kalau aku udah ini atau itu?
Padalah sebenarnya, apa pun yang aku lewati sekarang, itu pun bagian dari prosesnya."

Her : "Padahal kalau Mbak Gladys tulisnya nanti, mungkin aja perasaannya udah ga sama lagi, mungkin aja waktunya udah enggak ada, atau bahkan ga ngerasa itu hal yang penting lagi karna ada hal lain lebih penting untuk dikerjakan. 
Bisa aja kalau Mbak Gladys tulis sekarang, orang lain atau Mbak Gladys sendiri akan mendapat pelajaran dari prosesnya, karna lebih manusiawi."


Ibu: "Kalian itu ya, Dek, jangan seperti itu. Ke mana pun kamu pergi akan selalu ada orang yang di atas kamu. Akan ada orang yang di bawah kamu, dan ada yang sama seperti kamu. Tapi kamu tetap harus percaya diri bawa diri kamu..."


Bapak: "Nanti kamu nikah di sini aja. Jadi orang sini."                                                  


Me: "Aneh banget ya, umur segini aku meluruskan pandangan ku akan prinsip ku, apa yang aku mau, apa yang orang tua mau, apa yang aku anggap penting."

Her: "Sebenarnya wajar. Karena kamu ngabisin usia awal 20-an kamu untuk melihat banyak point of view, dari kuliah di Padang, kerja di Sumba, tinggal di Jakarta. 
Tentunya itu akan mengubah cara pandang kamu.
Sekarang tinggal proses mengungkapkannya." 


A few scattered conversations I had with some people the last month.

I must say that 2024 has been nothing but transformation, realignment, and self-discovery for me. I used to think the top-notch of my 'shaping' experience was working at Sumba Foundation in a remote area with a different cultural background community and challenging health and infrastructure conditions. 

But my oh my, that is nothing compared to owning your journey, taking life with all the surprises it brings, and keeping your faith, values, and principles along the way. 

So to Glados, 

Let's take this journey day by day.

Let's take all the lessons we have for the future we believe God is preparing us for.

And please, LIVE THE MOMENT.

None of this is permanent, and none of this will be repeated.

So live it to the fullest, live it as your first time, live it proudly, live it with all the lessons and questions you still have.


"You'll find your way
And may death find you alive."

- Fall Out Boy; Uma Thurman

Friday, June 14, 2024


Hi, everyone.

It's your girl, Gladys, who mentioned writing a series on a 2023 kaleidoscope and then showed up 7 months later. hahahhahaha 😆

Any way, I just finished a whole set of exams for residency program, now we just wait for the final result next month.
I think about writing this post and making a new long-overdue podcast episode after the result comes out. But then, I realized it would mean pausing my life.
When in reality, whatever I'm having at the moment, it is worth celebrating, worth giving credits for.

I had my department interview last Monday, and only after the interview did I realize that I have been doing a lot.
I swear, before that, even when I was preparing my CV for the application, I always thought little of myself. Like "Who am I, a general practitioner working for a small NGO in a remote island?" or "They must be looking for doctors with a big-hospital experience." or "Who would take my work experience seriously?"

Only after the interview did I realize I had been thinking so little, so small of myself. :')

Only after that did I realize I have been working in (tropical) infections for so long; even my undergraduate research was on HIV testing programs for pregnant mothers.

Then I joined the Sumba Foundation; at that time, malaria wasn't part of my interest.
But then again, it was not only malaria; I've had the chance to understand more about the health system, telemedicine service, leprosy, tuberculosis, even having the chance to care for Hirshprung patients, Coxitis TB patient, a patient with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, one with congenital avascular necrosis on the tibia, even one with osteosarcoma.

"Menurut aku mimpi itu bertumbuh, Dys. Sama kayak kita, mimpi bakal bertumbuh dan berubah seiring proses kita." 

Those words could not be any more true.

As we grow, so does our dream.
As we course through life, our dreams get sharper and more focused.
It may not be something we had imagined or thought for ourselves.
But isn't it written: 

"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him."

So, with this post, I'm taking the time to tell myself,

"You did great, Dys.
Cheers for all the journeys you've taken and to the new ones you're about to start.
Wherever God takes you to."

- G