Thursday, August 12, 2021


do you believe in coincidence?

honestly speaking, at this point, I believe there's no such thing as coincidence.

like everything that's happening is like a bunch of dots or wires that are actually connecting to one another to create an end-result that no one actually knows what.
it seems like gambling, risking a lot of things, but at the same time that's the beauty in it.
no one actually knows, so might as well do what you have long dreamt of, might as well risk it all to live the life you've always desired.

I told Mom this :

"I'm at the age where I'm not actually that young.
 I'm mature enough now, legally, financially, and emotionally.
At the same time I AM STILL YOUNG enough, to do things freely, to build my dream life, to try new stuffs.
It's exciting, yet scary at the same time."

Any way, I'm going back home next week.
I know, right?
9 months really went by in just a sec... I mean everything felt passing by so fast after January, after the month my friends and I contracted Covid-19. ahahahahah

I remember feeling so sick of being down with the virus that I just wasn't looking forward to anything in this 2021.
Like how can I start the year with Covid? Like literally on the 1st day of the year....ahhaahhaha

But, my oh my, little did I know 2021 would be filled with a lot of surprises.
New people, new experinces, new skills, new colleges, ahahahahha.

One thing I wanna hold on tightly (other that personal devotional time) is what Mom says to me before closing this internship chapter and starting new one : 

" Lewati satu-satu,Nang.
Kalau kau udah milih, pegang teguh pilihanmu.
Biasa itu ada ujian di awal-awal, untuk ngetes teguh gak kau sama pilihanmu.

Ingat pasti ada susahnya, dan biasanya di awal bakal susah, sebelum dia jadi mudah.
Tapi jangan cepat bilang ini 'buruk/sial' atau ini 'baik/untung'.
Jalani aja semuanya.

Percaya Tuhan selalu beserta di kondisi bagaimana pun, sesenang atau sekelam apa pun kondisinya.
Kalau lagi berat kali, jangan nyerah, jalani terus. 
Karna Alam Semesta itu ngasih jalan kalau kita tetap terus jalanin."

words from a mother to her beloved, (sometimes) crazy, full-of-dreams daughter.


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