I'm just an ordinary human.
sometimes I medicate.
Hi all!
Sebenernya aku ga terlalu tau mau nulis apa.
It's just a feeling where you know life is not the way it used to be, but it's not yet 100% in the 'next level' or the next chapter, whatever you wanna call it.
I guess, it's transisition phase.
Najas : "Gua bingungnya kayak, ada yang bilang you need to 'constantly sending it to the universe'. Tapi ada yang bilang juga, lu ga perlu minta berulang kali, karna .."
Me : "Jadinya kayak lu ga percaya itu bakal terjadi, hahahahah."
Najas : "Nah iya. Itu dia, jadi how can you "constantly sending it to the universe" tapi ga minta berulang kali?"
Me : "Menurut gue "constantly sending it to the universe" nya itu maksudnya "you stay in the 'frequency'', keyakinan bahwa yang lu minta itu udah diterima dan sedang dalam proses datang ke elu. Itu sih part yang susahnya, untuk tetap 'percaya' ditengah proses penantian."
Najas : "Hmmm..iya. Makanya mereka bilang itu kayak lu belanja di e-commerse. You place your order, lakukan pembayaran. And wait. Lu ga berulang kali ngecek atau apa pun, karna lu yakin they're gonna send my order, and I'm gonna get it in time."
A question,
"Have you ever felt, when you're alone, felt like you can feel another heart beating, the same heart beat as yours, somewhere on this earth?
This happened a few days ago. I was in the middle of my 'devotional time' or 'quiet-time', I could feel there's another heart-beat."
There'll be peace in the city tonight