Monday, March 23, 2020


Hi everyone.

I do hope you're doing well in the midst of this pandemic situation.
My own self-quarantine has been going pretty well, I find a way to be productive (aka having fun ngebacot di status WA), and literally just sleeping in and forgetting time. LOL
But, I'm working on it, to be more productive at this very situation.

It's already 7 days of self-quarantine and 14 days of Easter's praying and fasting.
It was jam-jam terberat, which is jam 3-6 sore, and I found myself fighting so hard untuk stay faithful and motivated in this fasting.

At that time, I also realised how uncertainty and anxiety are surounding all aspects of our life, especially with current condition.
In my personal life, the uncertainty of final exam, which also means uncertainty of graduation, uncertainty of when I'll be truly free to leave Padang, for good.
At the other hand, the fact that I am very certain I can't go home, although I'm dying wanting to.
For if I go back home and there's possibility of locking down in Medan, I might not be able to go back to Padang, to take care of my administration stuff or even take the final exam.
Tapi, mungkin ini yang jadi pelajaran dari pandemik ini.
To have faith and peace in the midst of uncertainty and anxiety storms.
Juga untuk menyadari hal-hal yang emang paling penting dalam hidup, like taking care of yourself, your family, and closed ones.

Nadrah and I have agreed on this, that part of being an adult is having your ‘introvert’ side having its growth-spurt.
By that, we mean, enjoying ‘some amount of time’ having people around you and really cherishing and feeling recharged on your alone-time.

That doesn’t mean that you don’t like people.
It just means that in order to be fully functioning, you need to have both sides balanced.

And for my fasting ‘challenge’, I figure I should set my focus right.
Untuk ga berpikir I’m fasting just for the sake of fasting, atau for the sake of ‘ritual agama’.
But to set my focus on who I’m aiming to get to know better from this prayer and fasting, which is HIM.
I know this sounds super weird to some people, but I’ve learnt to live with disapprovals or frowns from others, and know who my people are, and what my purposes are.

Any way,
Have a good night.
Sleep tight.


Friday, March 6, 2020


Nayas : " Lu gimana biasanya kalau nulis blog? Kayak lu buat draft dulu gitu?"
Me      : " Ehm...enggak...biasanya dia cuman kayak burst of ideas muncul tentang 'tema' atau 'judul' yang mau gua tulis, trus baru gua tulis...trus post... Tapi ya itu, suka ada typo-nya.... tapi ya abis post w biasanya baca ulang dan edit lagi."
Nayas : "Iya tu si typo.."

#SelfAsessmentGameStrong ahahahhaha  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Hello everyone.
Februari ga kerasa banget lewatnya, saat Januari felt like a whole-year long. 😩

One of the important things I learn take more seriously after the first 2 months of 2020 is to do things at my own pace, for my own peace.
This one gets even more important in the midst of all this final-exam (UKMPPD) preparation.
To know that it's okay to not have the same study rhytm as other friends'.
To know the best study-time for myself.
To set my own goal that doesn't cost me my own peace.

Second thing is really (again) to savour the very moment more.
I mean appreciate this very moment by taking what it serves me sincerely.
Kalau dalam bahasa Mama, "Kalau lagi ada ya nikmati. kalau lagi enggak ada, ya juga nikmati."

The lost of Kobe & Gianna Bryant, and Ashraf Sinclair reminds us that all we have is now.
And to use it wisely, to make good memories, and to leave great legacy is how we appreciate it. 

Dan kalau pun yang ada sekarang terasa sulit untuk dinikmati, atau terasa berat untuk dijalani, atau ga senyaman dan enggak semenyenangkan yang kita harapkan, jalanin aja.
Nanti bakal ada indahnya.
Dan semua yang ga enak itu bakal bikin saat yang indah terasa makin berharga dan buat kita jadi lebih mampu menghargainya. πŸ’žπŸ’‹

when them ideas come, gotta write 'em down, kapan nulisnya masalah nanti.