Hei all.
Can we take a moment of gratitude karna Anak udah berlalu? ;)
and a moment of pure joy ehehhehe ππ
So we're in part two of Holler at Ya Girl.
And honestly, I took time contemplating on how to write this the right way, that it can help you understand the importance of closure and hopefully not offend anyone.
So here we go...
It took me some months untuk menyadari kalau some stuff keep showing up in my life, in this year.
I used to pray like "Why God?! Like seriously, why?"
Then Mom said, "Have closure, Nang."
(read : Nang : panggilan orang tua Batak Toba ke anak perempuannya)
I didn't understand why Mom said that.
Cuz' like why would I be the one asking for closure, when I'm the one adversely affected by other people's doings.
So it was a real battle between my ego and logic.
I didn't know what to choose, so I prayed.
Asking if it was the right thing to do, how was I supposed to do it?
And I see now, that some things will not be answered by thinking about it, consulting to friends about it, believing in your logic and feeling about it.
All things are The Almighty's matters, even your indecisiveness.
And I swear...it was the bravest right thing to do.
Being able to come up and say I wanted closure.
I've been telling this a million times now,
kalau Alam Semesta akan mempertemukan hal-hal dengan frekuensi yang sama, dan kalau sesuatu belum beres, it will keep showing up in your life.
Be it orang yang kamu hindari, atau permasalahan keuangan, bahkan kebiasaan moody kamu.
It will keep showing up, until you take care of it.
So yeah...
Aku yakin bukan hanya aku yang mengalami permasalahan yang bulak-balik muncul.
Kayak kita bisa aja pindah tempat, atau ada di lingkungan baru, tapi masalah yang muncul itu-itu aja.
Karna permasalahan itu adalah sebuah test.
And in any test that you take,
only until you pass it, will you be let go of the 'obligation to take it'.
And until that, 'a remedial' is all you have, wherever you go.