Tuesday, March 12, 2019

When universe comes to play with you

Me : "Jas, lu inget ga sih waktu lu bilang ke gue 'kali lu pernah minta ke universe untuk buat hiduplu seru' ?"
Najas : "Yaa gue ingat. Napa tu?"
Me : " Gua yakin banget the universe is doing it right now."


Ada waktu di mana perubahan itu terjadi dalam satu malam, and after that your whole world changed.
How you see things changed.
What you think you knew is barely the truth.
And when that time comes, prepare yourself to enter a new journey.
Like, a whole roller-coaster ride in real life.


I've always been so private about my private life.
And I will always stay that way.
People have been telling stories and asking questions....
And me and my inner circle just keep our mouths shut.
It ain't easy when people tell wrong stories about you.
It really is not.
But anyway, no body really knows you.
So let it be.
Sooner or later, all cards will be open, and the truth will be out.


I've been asking Bapa these questions :
"What is it You want me to see God? What is it You want to do with me?"

And after these past few months, I can say :
1. Bapa always gives you signs.
That small voice, that idea popping outta nowhere in your head, that feeling inside your heart. LISTEN TO 'EM.

2. Bapa always provides WHAT YOU NEED.
It may not seem like what you ask for or what you want, but it is what you need. And that's my dear, is more than enough.

3. People sense, people see, people know.

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