Monday, September 10, 2012


I'm back, and i'm 17 NOW :)

my 17th birhtday was memorable.

#bangun pagi di kamar
glados : "HAPPY BIRHTDAY GLADYS OLIVIAA!!" pathetic :p

any way.. I was (a bit) sad for none of my B5 friends nor Dea came to the wedding party to celebrate my birthday :(

but it's over any way. There's nothing I can do to change it :p
but good points :
-I celebrated my birthday at 11 P.M at home with my relatives, for they stayed at my house that night
-for someone who just woke up and made her wish, aku rasa aku lumayan "sadar" waktu buat wish
  " God, please help me to get in Universiy of Indonesia"
-I got presents from k'Abeth,B'Alex and his wife (cieeee). They are from GAUDI and I love it :p

So..I'm superr busy this week, gotta :
-finish writing students' montly raports identity :p
-Try Out GO on Thurtsday and TO Medica on saturday
-practising for Gue Gak Mau School play on Friday night and Sunday afternoon
- NO playing
- NO watching
-practising keyboard
- finding new ideas for LOTTSSS of THINGS :P

Selling tickets 25K rupiahs @ ticket

monthly raportS :o

kak Nancy and Bang Alex ;)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Wait a bit

Hai guys..i'm just saying hello.
Got no time AT THE MOMENT :p

photo from Instagram @gladysglados 

Monday, September 3, 2012


      "I came to win,to fight, to conquer, thrive..
           I came to win,to survive, to prosper, to rise
            to FLY.... "          -Rihanna ft. Nicky M. ; TO FLY 

Hei all!
I can't explain HOW MUCH I've missed BLOGGING ;)

yeah.. #lame reason.
Exams..exaaaammmsss...and exaammmmmsss :o
and I'm having my first exam with the one-and-only Mr.M on this Wednesday...
GURU (mate) ter-COOL  seANTERO Methodist-2 tecinta ;)

so...counting down to my B-Day and ALSO my brother's wedding day ;)
it's still 4 days to go.
Question : "Apa yang cewek paling unyu, paling BOHAI, and so-called PRINCESS rasain?"

Honestly, I feel normal..
Malah, aku lebih nervous about what I'm gonna wear to the Wedding party than to think about turning 17 ;)

So..hari nih, I started my day with big smile for aku ga telat kayak sabtu kemaren..Thanks to Pak J.M. Siregar yang ga bisa BANGUN CEPAAAATT!!!... -__-"

and guess what?!
Hari nih, udah ada POSTER "GUE GAK MAU SKUL"
which, in case you have no idea what it is, is the PLAY I'm working on right now :D

walaupun tuh poster cuman gambar Ko Wesley,our director yang juga merangkap jadi si pemeran utama,yang lagi naikin tangga sekolah dengan buku bececeran. I'm still exited.

As if I was struck.
"WOW! This is the thing, I've been spending my Sunday noon practising for. This is my first play in REAL life TEATHER. and THIS IS HUGE!!! Com'on...give it all your heart,dys!! This IS a ONCE in life time experience!"

yeah..walaupun peranku super small and doesnt matter. I'm honored to be part of this HUGE thing :) Thanks for the oppurtunity pak Gun and ko Awi :D

#pertama kali liat posternya pas KELUAR MAIN 1
aku : #lari nyusurin lorong lantai 2 SMA sambil teriak " AWWWWWWW!!!!!!AWWWWWHHH!!!!!!ARHHHGGRRRHH!!! UDAH KELUAR!!!!UDAH KELUAR!!!!!"
#masuk kelas, nyamperin gerombolan B5 " WOII!!!!! UDAHHHHH KELUARRR!!!!!ARRHHHGGHHH!!"
olga : "apa yang udah keluar?"

Tapi...sperti biasa, life's not as smooth as we hope it to be.
Pelajaran Kimiaku hari ni SANGAT EMOSIONAL...
lebih tepatnya, guru kimiaku marah karna kelasku dengan LUAR BIASAnya RIBUUTTT...
ga tau deh apa yang pada diomomgin ama mereka -__-"

Blum lagi di GO... -_-"

Going back home...
kek biasa naik angkot kota Medan ter'ayankk" (#alay gilak -_-)
but, tip to make it feel lotsss easier by thinking that whatever you get, it's the better one.

like : 'weesshh..angkotnya datang 10 menit..thanks god, at least i dont have to wait another 5 or 10 minutes ;) "

and yeah...I bumped into kak yety (ga terlalu yakin itu namanya dia ;p #lupa..kek biasa) and had a really nice SHORT conversation :)

so...Happy Monday Night you all.
Life is not just about the happy moments you have.
it's also about turning that DISSAPONTMENT,BOREDOME,and TIREDNESS, to something YOU're GRATEFUL about, accept it with open arms ;)