Saturday, March 31, 2012

Good talking

It's Saturday!!!
nothing beats the feeling of freedom!!! :D

I loveeee chatting..
about fashion, about my stars, about music, aboouuuuut anything...
that's probably the reason why I don't mind dirty jokes... ;)

and today, I wasssss "forced" to go to Ming Han right after the bell, jadinya ga sempat buat cerita" bareng dea..
mungkin ini alasan aku n Dea bisa tetap stay togther walau kita ga sekelas and kenyataannya semua kegiatan kita padat..
cus, WE always TRY to have A GOOD TALKING TIME :)

but, I had a greeeeattttt chatting with TRI..
Tri is 180 degrees different from me..
Aku belajar buat ga peduliin apa kata orang dari Tri..
and somehow, we're connected :)

eniwei, anik telss me that she misses the time I post loootttsss pics..
so these are definately for you, nik :p

the art of being ALAY :)

far away...

hair or nails :)

galau.... -__-

somehow, I like this one although my face's not in the pic

I likkkeee long stockings (tights)

Definately, I'm JAMAIKAN

trima ga ya??trima aja deh, kasihan Putri :p

love from Putri ;)

ga tahan buat ga makan coklatnya :p

100 and 95 for HISTORY :)

my 2 favourite boy friends in class ;)

My "mas ahab" , Sek Ceu and the one and only Jabot :p

Vincent's birthday :)

Hip and Hop

muka CACAD-ku

Cipaaaannn!!! AUWWWWWW!!! :0

keknya bibirku emang udah maju beberapa centi ;p

akhirnya, bisa foto bareng Sek Ceu ;)


my pet :p

can you tell that were SISTERS??


her chubby chick ;)

Putri's envy me for THIS :)

Proper nailing :)  

I'm losing it... :(

A close friend

#pagi hari di Markas XI IPA 1

nopha!!!boksu!!!! aku 'dah baca CELEBRITY WEDDING ny!!! ga tidur aku ampek jam 4 cuman buat nunggu adegan...ehhhh ampek bab 15 cuman ciuman (#niruin gaya org ciuman pake tanganku ) , trus GOODNIGHT!! ahhh!!! 
kalok aku lansung ku goyangkan itu!!! :D

so yeah, akhirnya setelah lama di wait-list, aku kebagian baca Celebrity Wedding juga..
Sejak Kafka and Nadia "dikenalin" aliaZalea di Crash into You, aku bener" jadi nge-FANS sama cerita" metropop, especially karangan aliaZalea :)

karna aku berpangangan,
"when you are an adult and you KNOW what your doings' consequences,
Love and Passion are a great match :) "

note: thank god buat ujian PKn hari ni.. :)
          tumben banget soal kelompok-ku easy sleazy...

I want "a close friend"

#got what I mean? ;)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Wholeheartedly Visualised

Minggu lalu bener" one of the busiest week in this year..
Persiapan Gebyar, seminar, interview, olimpiade,ultah Ervina...
soooo manyyy things to do :0

Glad that it went out pretty smoothly..
Walau emang kejadian "Gladys" di ultah Ervina agak ga nyenengnin, lebih tepatnya embarassing :p
The MC called "Gladys" and tentunya aku ngerasa dipanggil..
I was sooo shocked but still managed to go infront, and turned out that it was not Gladys Olivia but Glays Zhou!!
Ga tau deh siapa aja yang liat!!
untungnya orang udah agak berpulangan karna acara makannya udah selesai (bukan cuman HKBP aja yang Habis Kue Baru Pulang :p)

about the seminar, inti yang kuambil..
If you wanna start a business, you have to find what you love.
So you can do it wholeheartedly.
And if you have something that you really want, visualise it, and it'll motivate you to work your best for that thing :)

Olga sebelum manggung :)

Teman seperjuanganku :p

Play SAMBAS MUSIC please!! :)

note for me :)

Aula skolah yang bayuu :)

si Anik :0

Look at their cute outfits ;)

XI ia 1 :)

smile :)

For the Better

I'm not sure if I suffer from insomnia, cause I'm such a "sleep-anywhere" person..
ga di kelas, ga di aula, apalagi angkot..udah jadi panggilan jiwa ... -__-

eniwei, malam ini si mamak "bilangin" ke aku that I've been wearing too short dresses/skirts this lately..
And that I should change it with pretty long ones..

It's ok..
For I take this as a challenge for myself to prove that looking beautiful isn't always about being sexy (sebenernya aku ga terlalu suka dgn kata "sexy"..I dont know why -__-)
And I dont want "some people" to make my family as a gossip topic because of my "wearings"..

Talking about my "wearings", last Monday I hang out with Tika and I found out that some people from church talk(ed) about my wearing socks..
I just wanna say that
 "I wear socks not to attrack people's attention, but purely because I love colored socks and it feels comfortable in them :) "

new shoes from TEN TOES :)

have I told ya I love Purply Pink??

Flowers :p

my new shoes are SOOO BEAUTIFUL

Friday, March 16, 2012

Another One Day

Kebiasaan lama susah hilangnya..

100% true!
Bukannya belajar buat up coming second monthly testS, aku malah end up watching movies!!

Aku nonton Friends With Benefits bareng K'Aberth,
walaupun kebanyakan pas film, Kak Abeth tidur :).
Aku bakal bilang filmnya bagus, terlebih badan MILA KUNNIS ;)
They should stop expossing barbie-kinda-girl's body to girls like me! :0

Things  I love the most about this movie are the flash mob, Mila's outfits -mostly spandex shirts (salahkan Nadia yang bikin aku jatuh cinta sama spandex :p!), soundtracks nya -they definately know great musics!, mereka masukin my favourite Death Cab for Cutie - I wiil follow you into the dark..
EPIC!!! :)

Then, I watched Super 8.
Unfortunately, dvdnya macet di bagian akhir, (what to say, namanya juga bajakan!).
But, Elle Fanning is undenially one of the most tallented girls :)
LOVE HER ACTING (ga sia" gue ngajarin dia! #ngayalgaketolongan )

Third, Bad Teacher.
Filmnya ga terlalu dalam, cuman lucu"an doang.
Lumayan aman buat ditonton sama Lau Se Ming Han (my math course teacher ;p)

Finally, and this is the top of all of them, ONE DAY.
Sebenernya Hanna udah cerita tentang film ini.
Dia ngajakin aku nonton, but at that time I had no idea what this movie is about.

For romance movie lovers, ini bakal jadi a must-watch.
And walau aku tahu, aku emang gampang nangis waktu nonton film apa aja (Almadea once mocked me about this) , tapi aku yakin film ini emang bakal bikin nagis.

I love these parts :

Emma : "Dex, I'm thinking.."
Dexter : "so am I.."
Emma : "I wanna have a child from the man I love.And if you dont mind, I'm gonna get it from you..."
Dexter : "Well, let's start working on it then .."

Jasmine : "Have you been here with Emma?"
Dexter : "Yes, once.."
Jamine : "Do you miss her?"
Dexter : "Yes. Or course I do. She was my best friend.."

I love looking at Jim Sturgess's cheeky face :)
Great movie :)