Hello everyone.
If my blog was a real person, I would have been the worst bestfriend she had.
Coming once in a blue moon, especially in 2023.
Aku pikir quarter life crisis and adulthood akan semakin 'ringan' di setiap bertambahnya usia.
Jokes on me.
Like who am I kidding.
Life in fact gets a lot more complex, with a lot more sides and flavors to it,
and clearly all the strings attached. ahahahah
I was texting Mama Laura, telling how I feel lonely after 6 months living alone in Jakarta.
While on the other hand, I don't really like crashing for too long at a relative's or a friend's, and coming home to Medan is only great for a maximum of 2 weeks (IYKYK) ahahahhaha
Additionally, at this age, some of my friends already in a marriage, some with kid(s), some are doing schools, overall doing their own lives with their own struggles and hustles.
So it does get lonely from time to time.
Ditambah lagi, aku dengan kepribadian yang ga suka dan ga nyaman untuk cerita sama orang, dan very selective on personal plans and aspirations.
Akhir-akhir ini aku sadar, part of it karna aku sadar our society doesn't really confirm 'diversity of life choices', when many of my life choices have been if not unconventional, questionable.. ahahahahah
Kayak kalau aku boleh bilang ke temen-temen yang sebenernya aku deket tapi aku ga pernah cerita apa-apa kecuali kalau ditanya atau aku ngerasa kondisnya nyaman untuk bercerita:
"It's not you, it's me and my trauma of having to be belittled or questioned for my choices"
So, don't take it personally.
I guess hal yang aku suka dengan 'bertambahnya usia' adalah penerimaan dan pengenalan akan diri yang jauh lebih baik, di samping melihat hidup dari lebih banyak sisi.
Other than of course 'the lesser piece of mind' I give for many things ahahhahaha.
High-school and college-year Gladys would think 2023 Gladys is a badass for this.
All the overthinking and overplanning sides of VIRGO, with the traits of first-born daughter from a Batak family that doesn't have any boy.
So yeah, no wonder ahahahaha.
I'm planning to have a blog series on 2023 kaleidoscope.
Not that my 2023 has been all flowers and butterfly, but it's been one of the most life-changing period.
So, until the next post my dear bloggie-bestie,
Good night.