Hello, everyone.
It's February already, January was filled with unexpected news and also new experiences for me.
I just wanna pass by and say I'll be taking some time off.
Primarily, because February is a busy month packed with me finishing administrative stuff in my current work place and also moving to another one.
Secondly, I really just wanna focus on working on myself, personally, academically, relationally.
It might take a month, three months, or even 6 months after I finish my internship.
But no matter how long it takes, I'mma make sure I do my best for me.
Hopefully when I'm back, there'll be new stories, new lessons, new people worth sharing about.
Stay safe. ☺️
In whatever you're facing right now, know that He is with you there.
It might not feel like it right now.
But it will make sense in time, HIS TIMING. ⏳