Sunday, January 29, 2017


Hello everyone! πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘―πŸ‘―πŸ‘―
As you can see in the tittle, I'd like to do movie-reviews today..

1. M O A N A

Actually it's been 2 months I guessed since I watched Moana with Oliph.
The movie is a good way to teach every one, children, young adults, and even parents about dreams, beliefs, and that little voice inside your heart.

If any of you haven't watched it, I do recommend it.
Go watch it with friends, family, and even your loved ones. ❤ πŸ‘ͺ πŸ‘«

And the soundtrack, How Far I'll Go is such a catchy and easy-to-sing-to one.


This one I watched on a movie night with Nadrah.
It was such  a surprised that they played it in Padang, and I'm grateful for that.
I am not a drama musical fan. The only musical I watched is High School Musical when I was still in Junior and High School. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

At first, I was still anticipating if I was gonna sleep in the middle.
But it turned out to be a G R E A T MOVIE.
It's not melodramatic like crying over love and heart-break and stuff.
It's you, the audience, who will feel the sadness, the disappointment, the happyness.
They end it in such a great way, that I was sent home with this :

" In life. Sometimes, while searching for our true selves and persuing our dreams, we meet the one that makes us fall in love, makes us chase our dream even harder. And in some stories, we might end up together. Just sometimes. "

3.  2  S T A T E S

Now this one is actually a 2014 movie.
First time I watched it was on last December in Oliph's room.
And I'm not sure whether I was crying because of the movie itself, or because I feel like it was speaking up my feelings and story.
But the first time, I was freaking crying like a kid since the scene Khris proposed the whole family.
Duck it!

And I watched it again when I was in Medan.
First time with my FKG girls, and the second time was with Mom and Cia.

This movie is elightening.
Because this kind of 'problem', ethnic, origin, and many else, doesn't just happen in India.
I watch it every single day, between some ethnics in Medan, especially, in Indonesia, generally.
How we make "invisible" prohibition to our kids not to fall play, or in love, or date, and especially marry people from other ethnics.
It also teaches me how marriage is not just about two people getting together, doing stuff together, having kids. It shows me that marriage is a big deal. It's the union of two big families, with different points of view, with expectations and hopes towards their member.

So yeah, you can ask your girl/boyfriend to watch it, and may be find some new points from it.
And even parents can watch it with their young adults family members, and help them build their point of views on relationship, marriage, and cultures.

So that's all.
If you have anything to say, or may be you have also watched the movies I mentioned above, feel free to leave comments.
I would really love to share opinions and favourites scenes. πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜Ž

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

[ DIY ] My Kind of White Sneakers

Hello everyone! πŸ‘€πŸ‘‹

I'd been wanting a pair of white sneakers for months, until I searched for the kind that I want on Shopee.

I, honestly, was looking for a cheap one, because when I checked the branded ones, they just were way beyond my budget, or what I consider normal for me.

So this is the one I have now.
When I searched on Shopee, I really wasn't looking for anything "brandy".
I mean, I wasn't loooking for a pair of sneakers that resemble the original ones.
So when they did arrive, I was thinking about making them "my taste".

The truth is, I appreciate originality.
So I will not wear anything "resembling-the-original" one just so I feel proud or confident.
It's better for me to wear a non-branded, than trying to copy certain brand by buying the "plagiarized" one.


Thanks to my 2017 Go Girl! Journal πŸ’•πŸ’—πŸ’‹


On my OSCE day, when I was in Psychiatry Station.

Tugas : Melakukan wawancara psikiatri ke pasien wanita dengan waham cemburu terhadap suaminya.FYI : Dalam waktu 5 menit (!!!)

Me : Oh begitu Bu. Tapi kita kan belum tau kebenaran sms tersebut. Siapa tau itu sms nyasar.
Pasien : Tapi saya yakin Dok.
Me : Tapi kita kan sudah dengar penjelasan Bapak Bu. Coba kita percayai dulu.........
# I don't remember what else I said, until suddenly

Me : #dalemAti  Ya Bapa!Sudahi OSCE ini! Keluarkan Edys dari stase ini ya Bapa.πŸ˜ŒπŸ˜…πŸ™ˆ

One of my nights with Cia 

Me : Jadi kau ga mau kuliah di luar Medan nanti?
Her : Aku berpikir kan, aku kan gak kek kau, cerita sama Mamak. Nanti kalau aku kuliah di luar, ada masalahku, terus aku malas cerita, stress sendiri lah aku. Kalau di sini kan, aku ada masalah pun misalnya, tapi ada mamak-bapak di rumah, jadi lebih ringan aja rasanya.

Well, my little sister is not so little any more.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

M a k i n g L e t t e r s

There're many ways to tell feelings, but for now I'm gonna keep them in written forms. It lets me figure my true feelings and at the same time lets the sanity come.

Tomorrow I'll be having OSCE for the 5th semester. Time really flies that fast. Next semester will be about final papers (skripsi.) Man! Co.ass is just a year away. Amen to that. :)

I can not choose which one looks more retarded πŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ˜Ž

Dear self,
actions do speak louder than words.
How blind and amateur we were.

Friday, January 6, 2017


           I don't need a telescope to see that you're the one  
  But I do need your time and if it ain't yours, I'd rather have none


Her : " Normal kali itu Glad jatuh cinta..."
Me : " Jadi kau mau lah May sama si Samuel!"
Her : " Ishh enggaklah Glad!! masih normal aku. Bukan pedofil.."

May talking about a young primary high-schooler’s crushing on her . πŸ˜„πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

L e t Me N o w

Hallo every one!!
I'm so happy to be back, after my last post in 2016!

I don't know what got into me..but I'd really love to talk about couples now.
My favourite couples.

Of course Mama Laura and Papa Janter will always be my number 1.
They way I see my parents is that they complete each other and they are the best soil each of them can get for their mind and soul growth.

But from Holywood, these are my favourites :

1. Chrissy Teigen  &  John Legend
This one is how I (see) hope for myself.
Freaking silly and funny (esp. Chrissy) yet committed and still manage the 'conservative' way.

2. Miguel and Nazanin

And then comes this rock n' roll Mamma and Pappa. πŸ’€πŸ’•
I like that they also start from the very beginning of each other's career.
I mean look at the old photo, how young and different they were compared to now.
It's like each of them has grown up but still find way to match the other piece.

from the very beginning

to N O W


Sometimes, our dreams are boundried by culture and expectation.
I don't blame that.
I do believe in prayers and fate.
And I also do believe in the power of effort and work for what we want.

So yeah, let it be.
K U N.