Hello bloggies!
I just reached home ( actually just my 16-meter-squared room) from break-fasting with my university mates.
Truth be told, I'm facing acne problem, again -__- , this lately.
It has been driving me mad and actually ashamed whenever friends come asking "what happen to your face Dys?"
Honestly people, if I had known what happened to my face, I would have effing stop these deliciously reddish inflamations! -__-"
You know, ever since I arrived here, in Padang, I have - in most of the time- hidden my nature behaviour.
My loud, insane, nasty, bitchy, ambitious, sarcastic self.
I have been very "concerned" about what people think and see on me.
But this evening, I couldn't stop laughing my heart out surrounded by people doing the same.
The feeling of safe being my self was rejoicing.
Some not so joyful moment was :
the taxi I took home didn't put the cargo on, I don't LIKE that!
And I know it's nothing but my silly, random, time-wasting post in the end of week 6, end of semester 2, which immply that I'm having Block exam next week, and OSCE on the next 2 weeks.
I do what I want now.
And I want this.
And I think I don't wanna put up with somebody's childish, selfish, queen-bee behaviour any more.
You need to think about what people feel when you do or say something, especially ones close to you.
Being close doesn't freaking immply you got to be the boss all the time.
I shut you down.
Do what you want.
Just don't expect the same tolerance! *middle-finger-inserted-here* :p